Loss of a Great Man

Dennis Lee Buckley, August 17, 1941 – April 25, 2008

“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm”  – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Dad was enthusiastic about many things. The Raiders. Collecting pens and ball caps. Bowling. But more than anything else, he was enthusiastic about his family. And when you look at us, you can see the closeness we share, the strong bond we’ve built, and you can see that greatness was achieved.

I always looked up to Dad. I wanted to be like him. He was in the Air Force, so as a child I wanted to be a jet pilot. Later on, when he took up woodworking as a hobby, I wanted to learn as much as I could about that as well. He always wanted the best for us and gave us everything that he had.

Thank you Dad for being kind, gentle and understanding.

Thank you for being silly and having a sense of humor.

Thank you for teaching me to be a gentleman

Thank you Dad, for encouraging me to do well in school and get a college education.

Thank you for showing me that family and love are the most important things in life.

Thank you Dad, for giving me the blueprints for what a good father is.

I’m proud of Dad. Proud of his life’s service to our country and his life’s devotion to our family. I’ve strived to follow his example in order to make him proud of me in return and I know that I have.

Dad will always be with me in the things he taught me, the memories I have of him, and the life lessons that I will now pass on.

“Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile”  – Albert Einstein

Candy Mountain

This video makes me laugh every time I see it. A friend introduced it to me and I’ve tried to share it with everyone I know. People either love it or hate it.

If you love it, joooooyyyyy!!!!

If you hate it, shhhuuuunnnnn the non-believers!

The Pre-Pre-Proposal

Let’s take a step backwards to Superbowl Sunday…romantic, I know.

So we’re sitting on my couch watching the game (not really paying attention though) with my buddy Stephen. Talking, joking, generally having a good time. Denice is playing with a box of those candy hearts with the words on them, you know, they say things like “luv u,” “fax me,” “be mine.” Well she finds one that reads “marry me.” She handed it to me and said, “this is what you’ll ask me someday.” My immediate response was, “you’re right, I will.” I think she thought I was just playing along, but I really meant it. I whispered to her that I wanted to tell her something later. The whispering was so that Stephen wouldn’t hear because he was already about to vomit at how cutsie Denice and I were being.

So later on, after the game and after Stephen had left, we revisited the whisper. I remember looking deep into her eyes (I get lost in them quite often) and said in a very matter-of-fact tone, “I’m going to marry you.” This led into an entire conversation about how we had both been thinking the other was “the one.” Yea! It felt so good to be on the same page and have those feelings reciprocated.

When you know, you just know, so why wait? Exactly one week later I was buying a ring and asking her father for her hand in marriage. More on that next time…

The Proposal

I have never been more nervous or anxious in my entire life than I was today.

I awoke feeling anxious and the anxiety just continued to build until I could barely speak, my hands were shaking uncontrollably and I thought my heart was going to explode out of my chest. All this anxiety over asking my sweetheart just one question. One question that would change both of our lives forever…”will you marry me?”

She said YES! I knew that she would and yet I was still so anxious. A celebratory shot of Stoli Razz was definitely in order to calm the nerves. And my hands still shook for about two hours after popping the question.

But now there is a sense of relief. Finally we can relax. The life altering proposal had been hanging over our heads all week. Ever since I spoke to her parents, old school style, and asked for her hand in marriage last weekend. Now we can get back to being ourselves and just enjoy it and each other. Neither of us could stop smiling all day. I know I’ll be smiling all week.

I can now call Denice, my fiance. It feels odd to say it in regards to me and my life. It’s always been a word referring to other people’s lives. It feels good to say it and is so odd at the same time.

Anyway, enough for now. I am exhausted. I will have to blog later with details of the past week…the conversation between her father and I, the ring shopping experience, the waiting for the ring to be ready, the proposal preparation…so much has happened.

Oh, random thought, one to blog about also…I rode a horse for the first time yesterday. Good times!

Life Happens Fast

I haven’t blogged for awhile. Life has come at me so quickly over the past few weeks that I just didn’t have time to share it with the world. Here are some recent and random highlights from my life.

This weekend was really the first time I’ve had to sit down, do nothing for a bit and process what’s been happening all around me, to me, in my head and in my heart. To follow-up on my last blog, “A Love So Deep,” everything has worked out perfectly. We are both so happy and looking forward to a lifetime together. My worries and fears have been resolved and now I feel a strange sense of calm. I’m following my heart and have taken my own advice (as well as that of others) to live for today. There are no guarantees in life and we might not be here tomorrow so live with no regrets (easier said than done).

Valentine’s day is fast approaching and I’m actually excited about it this time around. I’ve never been a fan of the retail world forcing me to spend twice as much for flowers, chocolates and jewelry just because it’s February. This year however, I’m okay with it.

New catch phrase for West Coast Tri, “Do something about it.” This works in so many situations…you want to do a triathlon, you hate your job, you’re overweight, you’re unhappy in a relationship, your car keeps breaking down, your dog pees in your closet everyday, you don’t like my blog…”do something about it.” We all have control over our own lives. We just need a reminder to take action. T-shirts will be available soon at www.westcoasttri.com.

My buddy has decided to join the CHP. Told him he has to grow a mustache and wear aviator sunglasses starting now. I’ve been trying to help him prepare for the physical training assessment. We went out to El Cap High School to run at their track because one of his tests is a 500yd run. To pass he must finish under 2:30min. I beat him of course. Finished in 1:45! That’s just over a 5 1/2 min mile. Not too shabby if I have to say so myself.

I feel like there’s so much more to tell, but we’ll save some for next time (have to keep you coming back somehow). 😛